
Kubespray cluster ubuntu release upgrade


It was time to upgrade my Kubernetes cluster that I created with Kubespray years ago. Originally the cluster was deployed on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS operating system computers.

Recently Ubuntu 22.04 LTS appeared on the scene and I was wondering how to upgrade all my Ubuntu 20.04 LTS nodes without losing the current Kubespray Kubernetes deployment.

Depending on your cluster nodes configuration this guide is not going to fully fulfil your needs but you can extract the general idea. This is the scenario I covered:

5 Kubernetes cluster nodes with Ubuntu 20.04:
2 control-plane nodes (master) + etcd
1 worker node + etcd
2 worker nodes (no etcd)

Let's start, backup and disclaimer

First of all, one important thing, Kubespray is fragile, I repeat, Kubespray is extremely fragile, it can ruin the whole cluster deployment if you do a small detail that collides with something hidden you didn’t expect. You must have previous experience managing Kubespray and familiar with Kubernetes to do this upgrade.

So, first, node by node make a full backup of ALL OS disks using 

If you don't do a backup of all your nodes, you will do the steps below are at your own risk of losing your cluster, upgrading OS can fully destroy your cluster. It worked to me but it doesn't mean it will work for you. Please read the whole post before starting any step.

Before the cluster OS upgrade, all your nodes should be up and running successfully. If any of them doesn't work well, the upgrade can't break your cluster. First switch them on and if any of them doesn't join the cluster, fix it first of all.

Cluster OS upgrade from Ubuntu 20.04 to Ubuntu 22.04

1) Update to the latest Ubuntu 20.04 packages all your nodes with this command:
sudo apt update -y && sudo apt upgrade -y && sudo apt autoremove &&  sudo reboot

2) Upgrade each of your node with below steps: 3) to 11) in this specific way:
- First upgrade your worker nodes with no etcd.
- Second upgrade your worker nodes with etcd.
- Third upgrade your control-plane master nodes.

(A) In your Kubespray cluster inventory hosts.yaml file When it will be the turn to remove a control-plane master node, you have to leave another one at the top of the hosts.yaml list so, for instance if you are going to remove a node named nuc1 and nuc1 is the first of the list, change the order and put another master like nuc2 at the top of the list:



(B) In your Kubespray cluster inventory hosts.yaml
etcd node number needs to be always odd, adjust it when removing nodes to upgrade their OS.

3) In the node you want to upgrade, list and upgrade the remaining packages that weren't updated before:

sudo apt list --upgradable

in my case only docker-ce-cli was listed as not upgraded, force to upgrade it running:

sudo apt upgrade docker-ce-cli


NOTE: if you have RabbitMQ server package installed and running, it gave problems to me so, better to remove it temporarily:

sudo -u rabbitmq rabbitmqctl stop
update-rc.d -f rabbitmq-server remove

4) Make a backup of these files from your Ubuntu 20.04 distro node, later can be useful:

5) It is not recommended to do the upgrade from a SSH terminal (at your risk), if something goes wrong or the upgrade gets stuck, your node upgrade control can be difficult to retake, this is the warning message you will see if you try it:


Start now upgrading your Ubuntu node distro from 20.04 to 22.04. Run this command from the console:

sudo do-release-upgrade


After it, probably you will see something similar to this:


Continue with 'y':

During the Ubuntu upgrade, you will be asked some questions regarding config files to overwrite or not. I answered ‘Y’ to all and after the release upgrade I only needed to recover 1 line from /etc/sudoers file backup. In your case, it can be different but you can always compare them from your backup after the upgrade and you will be able to recover missing lines. These are the questions I experienced:




6) When the node upgrade is shown as completed, shutdown that node running in the command line:

sudo halt -p

7) Now we are going to delete the node in Kubernetes. If you upgraded a master node or a etcd node check the important notes defined in step 2) and adjust hosts.yaml if it’s needed.
Enter in the root directory of the Kubespray control machine where your Kubespray code is cloned.
In my case, the hosts definition file is located in inventory/mycluster/hosts.yaml and my node name is beelink1, change it in the next command line if it’s different for you.
Run this command line to remove temporarily the node from the existing cluster:

ansible-playbook -i inventory/mycluster/hosts.yaml -b remove-node.yml -e node=beelink1 -e reset_nodes=false -e allow_ungraceful_removal=true

It is going to ask you to confirm the node deletion from cluster, say yes:


8) When the node is removed from your cluster using Kubespray, power on your node again.

9) If you are upgrading a master node or a etcd node check the important notes defined in step 2), adjust hosts.yaml if it’s needed. Run scale to add your node as it was defined before you removed it.

ansible-playbook -i inventory/mycluster/hosts.yaml -b scale.yml  -b -v

10) Your node should be appearing re-joined to your cluster and upgraded to Ubuntu 22.04, you can check it with:

kubectl get nodes

11) Now as mentioned in step 2) you have to repeat these previous steps to the next node if there is any still remaining to be upgraded.



Recently, I've been thinking about improving my Kubernetes (K8s) Raspberry Pi cluster to  something more resilient than just a one K8s master cluster which can fail easily and ruin all your work of months on it.
I installed multiple times on-premise single master K8s clusters based on Redhat ecosystem ( Centos/Fedora). The difficulty of doing this manually if it's your first time it's far from easy, and if you want to install something closer to an on premises HA K8s cluster manually it becomes a quite uncomfortable task.
So the challenge was to find a simple way to install a multi-master K8s cluster using my new 10 raspberry Pi 4 (4Gb Ram) project. 
This article intends to share my experience doing this task as a quick and easy guide for  anybody who wants the same results without loosing hours on it. The hardware environment  will consist in a simple network like this one:


OS/Software stack

The keys to reach this goal was to use:
- Kubespray K8s deployment tool. 
- Ubuntu 18.04 for Arm64
Kubespray is a very good tool to ease your pain deploying highly available K8s clusters. It uses ansible playbooks and works with some major linux distributions, hardward platforms and cloud providers.
In the pre-installation you can configure your desired cluster structure, numer of masters and etcd replicated databases.
I tried some combinations of linux distributions and mostly all failed due it's difficult to find a linux distro that suits Kubespray requirements and the new Raspberry Pi 4 (4Gb RAM) hardware.
At this moment Raspbian it's compiled for Arm32/armhf and Kubespray will fail installing packages like calico, etcd has experimental support for arm32, so better to use arm64. On the other side, Raspbian Arm64 is experimental and not officially supported by Kubespray so better not to use any of these distros yet, avoiding unexpected issues.

The current latest Ubuntu 19.10 (Eoan Ermine) has a Preinstalled server image for the new Raspberry Pi 4 compiled for arm64  but it's not supported officially by Kubespray and the installation can fail so, maybe this distro will be a good candidate in near months.

I wanted a long term support stable distro to avoid collateral issues I thought about Ubuntu 18.04 LTS which will be supported for 5 years until April 2023. But, the current official Ubuntu 18.04 LTS doesn't have a preinstalled server image for the new Raspberry Pi 4, maybe they'll release it later, but now only Raspberry Pi 2/3 are supported.
While Ubuntu releases 18.04 LTS for Raspberry Pi 4 (Arm64) I found an unofficial preinstalled server image for Raspberry Pi 4, it works like a charm thanks to James Chchambers work:
Using this unofficial distro you'll still be able to update Ubuntu linux packages from the Official repo, the only thing you'll have to care is about kernel packages, but how to block them will be explained below.

Setting up Raspberry Pi 4 nodes

First let's install Ubuntu 18.04 LTS for (Arm64) in all your Raspberry Pi 4. In my case I installed it in ten Raspberry Pi 4, for a multi-master installation the recommended minimum size is four raspberry pis (as shown in the picture above): two masters, two workers (three etcds, two in master nodes one in a worker node).
I'm going to suppose that your network range is, your raspberry ips are, and your gateway is, change them accordingly with your values in the scripts below.
1. Flash ubuntu 18.04 from using balena Etcher or any other similar "flash to sd" app to all your pi nodes.
2. Boot your raspberry pi node with ubuntu 18.04 for the first time and change the default  ubuntu/ubuntu user admin password.
3. If you are in the United Kingdom, change your keyboard layout to gb:
sudo vi /etc/default/keyboard
change XKBLAYOUT line to: XKBLAYOUT="gb"
4. Update all packages
sudo apt-get update -y && sudo apt-get --with-new-pkgs upgrade -y
5. Change your raspberry pi ip to static editing /etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml , it should look like this one (changing ip address and gateway to your specific ones):
# This file is generated from information provided by
# the datasource.  Changes to it will not persist across an instance.
# To disable cloud-init's network configuration capabilities, write a file
# /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/99-disable-network-config.cfg with the following:
# network: {config: disabled}
            dhcp4: false
                macaddress: dd:a6:3a:1e:50:b9
            set-name: eth0
                addresses: [,]
    version: 2                                       
6. Block kernel packages to be upgraded from ubuntu official distribution
sudo apt-mark hold flash-kernel linux-raspi2 linux-image-raspi2 linux-headers-raspi2 linux-firmware-raspi2 linux-firmware
7. Reboot and check all changes work ok.

8. Repeat steps 1 to 7 for all raspberry pis.

Setting up a controller node

The first thing needed is a controller machine from where you're are going to install K8s to your Raspberry Pi cluster. I used my Windows 10 machine installing the Ubuntu 18.04 subsystem.
Once you have a controller node ready you'll need to prepare it and install Kubespray on it. Open a linux terminal and follow the next steps.
1. Generate a ssh key in your controller:
ssh-keygen -t rsa
It will be saved in /home/your-username/.ssh/id_rsa
2. Copy your ssh key to all raspberry pi 4 nodes, repeat this command for all raspberry pi ips:
You'll get:
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
(answer your password)
3. Edit /etc/sudoers in all pi nodes and add a line after the %sudo one to avoid password questions when using ssh to pi nodes from the controller node, replace "your-controller-username" by your real controller user name:
# Allow members of group sudo to execute any command
%sudo   ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL
your-controller-username ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL
4. Install python3, pip and git in your controller node:
sudo apt install python3-pip git
sudo pip3 install --upgrade pip
pip --version

5. Add a function in your .bashrc script to be able to run commands to all raspberry pis at the same time:

nano .bashrc

Add this function at the end of the .bashrc file:

function picmd {                                                                                                         
   echo "pi1"                                                                                                              
   ssh "$@"                                                                                                   
   echo "pi2"                                                                                                              
   ssh "$@"                                                                                                   
   echo "pi3"                                                                                                              
   ssh "$@"                                                                                                   
   echo "pi4"                                                                                                              
   ssh "$@"                                                                                                                                                                                                    }     

Apply .bashrc changes

source .bashrc

Try it from your controller node writing: picmd date, you should see all pi node responses, something like this:

ubuntu@CONTROLLER-NODE:~$ picmd date
Sat Jan 25 14:50:31 UTC 2020
Sat Jan 25 14:50:33 UTC 2020
Sat Jan 25 14:50:35 UTC 2020

You can now use picmd command to execute commands (like apt update) in all your raspberry pi nodes without logging in all of them one by one.


Installing Kubespray and the Kubernetes cluster

1. In your controller node home directory clone kubespray repo:
git clone

2. Enter into kubespray directory and take a look which kuberspray version are you going to install:

cd kubespray/ && git describe --tags 
It's important to know which kubespray version you are installing due kubespray don't support upgrades from an older release straight to the latest release, you have to upgrade it version after version without jumping any.
4. Install kubespray requirements:
sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
5. Create a new inventory from the sample folder:
cp -rfp inventory/sample inventory/mycluster  
6. Declare a IPS variable with all your raspberry cluster ips, for instance:
declare -a IPS=(
7. Generate kubespray configuration based in your node ips:
CONFIG_FILE=inventory/mycluster/hosts.yml python3 contrib/inventory_builder/ ${IPS[@]}
8. Review the generated hosts.yml file:
nano inventory/mycluster/hosts.yml
In this file, in the 'hosts:' section, be aware that node1, node2, etc... will be the hostname of your raspberry pis based on the ips you provided. Kubespray will change them, if you prefer to name your raspberry pi hostnames differently, change them in this file. Initially, hosts.yml file should look like:
      hosts: {}
9. Optionally you can review other generated configuration files:
nano inventory/mycluster/group_vars/all/all.yml
nano inventory/mycluster/group_vars/k8s-cluster/k8s-cluster.yml
10. Install your multi master Kubernetes cluster using kubespray:
ansible-playbook -i inventory/mycluster/hosts.yml --become --become-user=root cluster.yml
Kubespray installation process can last several minutes or more than half an hour depending on your hardware and the configuration you set, relax and enjoy a cup of tea.

Manage your new cluster with Kubectl

Let's install kubectl in your controller node to start playing with your new cluster. Download the latest kubectl version:
curl -LO$(curl -s
Make it an executable and move it to your bin directory:
sudo chmod +x kubectl
sudo mv kubectl /usr/local/bin/

Copy the admin.conf file from one of the master nodes to provide kubectl configuration. In the following bash commands replace the user name "ubuntu" by your controller username and the ip "" with your master node ip:

ssh sudo cp /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf /home/ubuntu/config
ssh sudo chmod +r ~/config
scp .
mkdir .kube
mv config .kube/
ssh sudo rm ~/config

Now you should be able to list all your nodes and kubernetes pods:

kubectl get nodes -o wide 
kubectl get pods -o wide --all-namespaces



Classic error, number of masters and etcds databases

If you are getting an error similar like this one:
[node3 ->]: FAILED! => 
{"changed": true, 
"cmd": ["bash", "-x", 
"-f", "/etc/ssl/etcd/openssl.conf", "-d", "/etc/ssl/etcd/ssl"], "delta": "0:00:00.007623", 
"end": "2019-12-21 13:10:13.140942", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 127, "start": "2019-12-21 13:10:13.133319", 
"stderr": "bash: /usr/local/bin/etcd-scripts/ No such file or directory", 
"stderr_lines": ["bash: /usr/local/bin/etcd-scripts/ No such file or directory"], 
"stdout": "", 
"stdout_lines": []}
It's because in your hosts.yml configuration the number of masters and etcd database nodes are wrong adjust them and launch kubespray installer again.

Skip Kubespray packages upgrades

In all your raspberry pi nodes, block to upgrade packages installed by Kubespray. When you upgrade your Kubernetes Kubespray cluster to a newer version, Kubespray will be in charge of update them too. Run this command in all your raspberry pi nodes:
sudo apt-mark hold apt-transport-https aufs-tools cgroupfs-mount docker-ce docker-ce-cli ipset ipvsadm libipset3 libltdl7 libpython-stdlib libpython2-stdlib libpython2.7-minimal libpython2.7-stdlib pigz python python-apt python-minimal python2 python2-minimal python2.7 python2.7-minimal socat